54 Ça ne me concerne pas

Future tense in subordinate clauses In French, when the main clause of a sentence contains a verb in the future tense, the verb in the subordinate clause is often also conjugated in the future tense. This is different from English, where we typically use the present tense in the subordinate clause even when referring to future events. This grammatical rule is part of the French sequence of tenses (la concordance des temps)....

septembre 11, 2023 · aaron

53 C'est simple comme bonjour

Future tense D’abord je vais vérifier que tout est là. First I’m going to check that everything is there. Vous allez tout rapporter. You’re going to take everything back. J’achèterai des produits frais I will buy fresh produce Je prendrai aussi des fruits I’ll also take some fruit J’irai au magasin et je parlerai avec un être humain. I’ll go to the shop and I’ll speak with a human being. Ce ne sera pas évident car il y aura beaucoup de monde aujourd’hui....

septembre 10, 2023 · aaron

41 Ça sonne toujours occupé

depuis “Depuis” is a French preposition that translates to “since,” “for,” or “from” in English, depending on its usage. It functions both as a preposition and an adverb, and it is commonly used to indicate the starting point of an action or situation that continues into the present. Usage Since: When referring to a specific point in time (e.g., a date or event). Example: Depuis 2010, j’habite à Paris. (Since 2010, I have lived in Paris....

juillet 2, 2023 · aaron