1. Subject Pronouns (Les pronoms sujets)
These pronouns replace the subject of a sentence and indicate who is performing the action.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Je | I | Je parle français. (I speak French.) |
Tu | You (informal) | Tu es mon ami. (You are my friend.) |
Il / Elle / On | He / She / One (or We, Informal) | Il chante bien. (He sings well.) |
Nous | We | Nous allons à Paris. (We are going to Paris.) |
Vous | You (formal/plural) | Vous êtes gentil. (You are kind.) |
Ils / Elles | They (masculine/feminine) | Elles dansent. (They dance.) |
2. Direct Object Pronouns (Les pronoms compléments d’objet direct)
These replace a noun that receives the action of the verb directly (without a preposition).
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Me / M' | Me | Il me voit. (He sees me.) |
Te / T' | You (informal) | Je t’aime. (I love you.) |
Le / La / L' | Him / Her / It | Il la regarde. (He watches her.) |
Nous | Us | Il nous invite. (He invites us.) |
Vous | You (formal/plural) | Je vous appelle. (I call you.) |
Les | Them | Elle les adore. (She loves them.) |
🔹 Special Note on “Le” and “La”
- Le and La are also definite articles meaning “the” (e.g., le livre = the book, la maison = the house).
- As direct object pronouns, they replace a noun:
- Je vois le chat. → Je le vois. (I see it/him.)
- Elle admire la peinture. → Elle la admire. (She admires it/her.)
- Before a vowel sound, they become L’:
- Il aime la musique. → Il l’aime. (He loves it.)
3. Indirect Object Pronouns (Les pronoms compléments d’objet indirect)
These replace a noun that receives the action of the verb indirectly (introduced by “à”).
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Me / M' | To me | Il me parle. (He speaks to me.) |
Te / T' | To you (informal) | Je te réponds. (I answer you.) |
Lui | To him / To her | Il lui téléphone. (He calls him/her.) |
Nous | To us | Il nous écrit. (He writes to us.) |
Vous | To you (formal/plural) | Je vous envoie un message. (I send you a message.) |
Leur | To them | Elle leur parle. (She speaks to them.) |
4. Reflexive Pronouns (Les pronoms réfléchis)
Used with reflexive verbs where the subject and object are the same.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Me / M' | Myself | Je me lave. (I wash myself.) |
Te / T' | Yourself (informal) | Tu te réveilles. (You wake up.) |
Se / S' | Himself / Herself / Itself | Il se couche. (He goes to bed.) |
Nous | Ourselves | Nous nous amusons. (We are having fun.) |
Vous | Yourself (formal) / Yourselves | Vous vous préparez. (You are getting ready.) |
Se / S' | Themselves | Ils se parlent. (They talk to each other.) |
5. Possessive Pronouns (Les pronoms possessifs)
These replace a noun to indicate possession.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Le mien / La mienne / Les miens / Les miennes | Mine | Ce livre est le mien. (This book is mine.) |
Le tien / La tienne / Les tiens / Les tiennes | Yours (informal) | Cette maison est la tienne. (This house is yours.) |
Le sien / La sienne / Les siens / Les siennes | His / Hers | Ce chat est le sien. (This cat is his/hers.) |
Le nôtre / La nôtre / Les nôtres | Ours | Ce problème est le nôtre. (This problem is ours.) |
Le vôtre / La vôtre / Les vôtres | Yours (formal/plural) | Ce stylo est le vôtre. (This pen is yours.) |
Le leur / La leur / Les leurs | Theirs | Ces voitures sont les leurs. (These cars are theirs.) |
6. Demonstrative Pronouns (Les pronoms démonstratifs)
Used to point to something specific.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Celui / Celle / Ceux / Celles | This one / That one / These / Those | J’aime celui-ci. (I like this one.) |
Ceci | This | Ceci est intéressant. (This is interesting.) |
Cela / Ça | That | Cela me fait plaisir. (That makes me happy.) |
7. Relative Pronouns (Les pronoms relatifs)
Used to introduce relative clauses.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Qui | Who / Which | C’est l’homme qui parle. (He is the man who is speaking.) |
Que | Whom / That | Le livre que je lis. (The book that I am reading.) |
Dont | Whose / Of which | Le film dont je parle. (The movie I am talking about.) |
Où | Where / When | La ville où je suis né. (The city where I was born.) |
8. Interrogative Pronouns (Les pronoms interrogatifs)
Used to ask questions.
Pronoun | English Equivalent | Example |
Qui | Who | Qui est-ce ? (Who is it?) |
Que / Qu' | What | Que veux-tu ? (What do you want?) |
Lequel / Laquelle / Lesquels / Lesquelles | Which one(s) | Lequel préférez-vous ? (Which one do you prefer?) |