Reserving a table

If you want to reserve a table, you can say (“I would like to reserve a table for two people”)

Je voudrais réserver une table pour deux personnes.

You can also specify the time of your arrival by saying (“We’ll arrive at 7pm”)

On arrive à dix-neuf heures.

If you want a table near the window or on the terrace, you can say (“I would like a table on the terrace/near the window”)

Je voudrais une table sur la terrasse/près de la fenêtre.

Ordering food

To order food, you can use the phrase “Je voudrais” which means “I would like”. For example, you can say (“I would like a fish soup”)

Je voudrais une soupe de poisson.

If you want to add “please” at the end of the sentence, you can say

Je voudrais une soupe de poisson, s’il vous plaît.

If you want to ask for the menu, you can say (“May I have the menu?”)

Puis-je avoir la carte?

If you want to ask for recommendations, you can say (“What do you recommend?”)

Que recommandez-vous?

Talking about dietary requirements

If you have any dietary requirements, you can use the following phrases to express them:

  • “Je suis végétarien/végétarienne” which means “I’m a vegetarian”.
  • “Je suis allergique au gluten” which means “I’m allergic to gluten”.
  • “Je suis allergique aux produits laitiers” which means “I’m allergic to dairy products”.
  • “Pas trop épicé, s’il vous plaît” which means “Not too spicy, please”.

Asking for the bill

To ask for the bill, you can say (“The bill, please”)

L’addition, s’il vous plaît.