Le passé composé
Verb | P.P. | Meaning | Example Sentence |
mettre | mis | to put | J’ai mis mon manteau avant de sortir. (I put on my coat before going out.) |
prendre | pris | to take | Elle a pris le train pour aller à Paris. (She took the train to go to Paris.) |
perdre | perdu | to lose | Nous avons perdu nos clés hier soir. (We lost our keys last night.) |
boire | bu | to drink | Il a bu toute l’eau de la bouteille. (He drank all the water in the bottle.) |
entendre | entendu | to hear | As-tu entendu ce bruit étrange ? (Did you hear that strange noise?) |
plaire | plu | to please | Ce film leur a beaucoup plu. (They liked the movie a lot.) |
The most common use of the suffix -erie
in French is to denote a place of business or production.
French Word | English Translation |
boulangerie | bakery |
pâtisserie | pastry shop |
fromagerie | cheese shop |
librairie | bookstore |
parfumerie | perfume shop |
poissonnerie | fish market |
épicerie | grocery store |
huilerie | oil mill |
billetterie | ticket office |
mots | explications |
bof | exclamation expressing lack of enthusiasm or interest, ≈ I dunno (don’t know) - Tu aimes ça ? - Bof… Do you like it? - I dunno, it’s OK… - Comment ça va ? - Bof ! Pas terrible. How is it going? - I dunno, not so good. - Le film t’a plu ? — Bof ! C’était pas terrible ! Did you like the film? — Well … it wasn’t that great! |
bande-annonce | (cinema) trailer / (plural) bandes-annonces |
la séance | session, showing |
multiplexe | Cinéma comportant un grand nombre de salles de projection. (On dit aussi complexe multisalle.) |
passer | to cross, to go through, to take, to pass, to show laisser passer to let through - Il m’a laissé passer. He let me through. - Dans quelle salle passe le film ? Which screen is showing the movie? |
bête | stupid |
quelque part | somewhere |
l’horreur | FEM. horror un film d’horreur a horror film avoir horreur de to hate J’ai horreur du chou. I hate cabbage. |
prendre un verre / boire un verre | to have a drink |