
The French phrase “Qu’est-ce” is a contraction of “Que est-ce,” which translates to “What is” in English.

  • Qu’est-ce que c’est ? What is it?
  • Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? What are you doing?
  • Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? What is happening?
  • Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? What’s the matter?

How to form questions with Qu’est-ce

  • Qu’est-ce que: Followed by a subject and verb.
  • Qu’est-ce qui: Followed by a verb.


To walkJe marche tous les jours pour rester en forme.
I walk every day to stay in shape.

Elle marche lentement dans le parc.
She walks slowly in the park.
To work, to function
(for machines or systems)
Cette vieille télévision ne marche plus.
This old television doesn’t work anymore.

Le nouveau logiciel marche très bien.
The new software works very well.
To be successful, to sell wellSon dernier livre marche très bien.
His latest book is selling very well.

Cette idée ne marchera jamais.
This idea will never work.
To agree to something
to go along with
Je marche dans votre plan.
I’m going along with your plan.

Il ne marchera pas dans cette combine.
He won’t fall for this scheme.
It’s okay, understood
(Idiomatic expression)
On se retrouve à 18h devant le cinéma ? - Ça marche !
We’ll meet at 6 PM in front of the cinema? - That works!

Tu dois finir ce projet avant demain. - Ça marche.
You need to finish this project by tomorrow. - Got it.

Deux cafés s’il vous plaît. - Ça marche !
Two coffees please. - Coming up!

savoir vs. connaître

Both “savoir” and “connaître” are irregular verbs and have different conjugations. “Savoir” is generally used for factual knowledge and abilities, while “connaître” is used for familiarity with people, places, or things1 2.

Basic meaningTo know (facts, information, how to do something)To know (be familiar with people, places, things)
UsageFollowed by a verb, que clause, or interrogative wordFollowed by a noun
ExamplesJe sais nager. (I know how to swim.)
Nous savons qu’il pleut. (We know that it’s raining.)
Je connais Paris. (I know Paris.)
Elle connaît mon frère. (She knows my brother.)
With interrogativesTu sais où est la gare ? (Do you know where the station is?)Not used with interrogatives
Expressing skillsIls savent parler français. (They know how to speak French.)Not used for skills
FamiliarityNot used for familiarityVous connaissez ce restaurant ? (Do you know this restaurant?)
Past tense meaningFound out, learnedMet (for the first time)
Idiomatic expressionsJe ne sais quoi (I don’t know what)
Savoir-vivre (Good manners)
Connaître comme sa poche (To know like the back of one’s hand)


envoyerto send
le repasmeal
- le repas de midi lunch
- le repas du soir dinner
- à l’heure des repas at mealtimes
payerto pay for, to pay
- payer vos courses pay (for) your shopping
la courserunning, race, shopping
- faire les courses to go shopping
- la course de fond long-distance running
le fondbottom, end
- Les toilettes sont au fond du couloir. The toilets are at the end of the corridor.
écouterto listen to
- J’aime écouter de la musique. I like listening to music.
regarderto look at, to watch
mêmesame, even
- moi-même myself
- même si even if
essayerto try, to try on
code secretsecret code, passcode, password, PIN
- Seul le code secret est demandé pour confirmer l’achat. Only the secret code is requested to confirm the purchase.