
how much / how many

  • Combien de kilos ? How many kilos?
  • Combien de beurre ? How much butter?
  • Ils / Elles sont à combien ? is a common, idiomatic way of asking the price of something


Masculine adjectives ending in er are changed to feminine by putting a grave accent over the è and adding a final silent e.

  • le beurre n’est pas cher, la livre de fraises est chère. the butter isn’t expensive; the pound of strawberries is expensive
  • when used as an adverb, cher always takes the masculine form.
    • Cette voiture coûte cher. This car costs a lot.
    • La liberté se paie cher. Freedom comes at a high price. 1

ça vous fait …

  • Ça vous fait dix euros vingt. That makes ten euros twenty.


  • In French, when stating prices, it’s common to omit the word for “cents” (centimes) when it’s clear from context.
  • In France and many other European countries, prices are often written with a comma instead of a decimal point. So this price might be written as 10,20€.


la fraisestrawberry
goûterto taste
bio / biologiqueorganic
la monnaiecurrency, change
- Est-ce que tu as de la monnaie ? Do you have any change?
le centimecent (one hundredth of a euro)
- un centime d’euro a euro cent