Le passé composé

VerbP.P.MeaningExample Sentence
suivresuivito followJ’ai suivi ses conseils. (I followed his advice.)
voirvuto seeNous avons vu un beau coucher de soleil. (We saw a beautiful sunset.)
venirvenuto comeElle est venue à la fête hier soir. (She came to the party last night.)
avoireuto haveIls ont eu beaucoup de chance. (They had a lot of luck.)
êtreététo beJ’ai été surpris par les résultats. (I was surprised by the results.)
fairefaitto do/makeNous avons fait un gâteau pour son anniversaire. (We made a cake for his birthday.)
prendrepristo takeAs-tu pris tes médicaments ? (Have you taken your medication?)
mettremisto putIl a mis son manteau avant de sortir. (He put on his coat before going out.)
direditto sayQu’est-ce qu’elle a dit ? (What did she say?)
lireluto readJ’ai lu ce livre en une journée. (I read this book in one day.)
écrireécritto writeElle a écrit une lettre à sa grand-mère. (She wrote a letter to her grandmother.)
boirebuto drinkNous avons bu du vin avec le dîner. (We drank wine with dinner.)

Le participe présent

The present participle in French is formed by taking the first-person plural (nous) form of the present tense, removing the -ons ending, and adding -ant.

GroupVerbInfinitivePresent ParticipleMeaningExample Sentence
1parlerto speakparlantspeakingEn parlant français, il a amélioré sa prononciation. (By speaking French, he improved his pronunciation.)
1danserto dancedansantdancingElle est entrée dans la salle en dansant. (She entered the room dancing.)
1chanterto singchantantsingingChantant sous la douche, il a réveillé tout le monde. (Singing in the shower, he woke everyone up.)
2finirto finishfinissantfinishingEn finissant son travail, il a poussé un soupir de soulagement. (Finishing his work, he breathed a sigh of relief.)
2choisirto choosechoisissantchoosingChoisissant avec soin, elle a trouvé le cadeau parfait. (Choosing carefully, she found the perfect gift.)
2réfléchirto reflectréfléchissantreflectingRéfléchissant à sa décision, il est resté silencieux. (Reflecting on his decision, he remained silent.)
3prendreto takeprenanttakingEn prenant le bus, il évite les embouteillages. (By taking the bus, he avoids traffic jams.)
3voirto seevoyantseeingVoyant la situation, elle a décidé d’intervenir. (Seeing the situation, she decided to intervene.)
3venirto comevenantcomingVenant de loin, ils étaient fatigués à leur arrivée. (Coming from far away, they were tired upon arrival.)

Note that for Group 1 verbs, the present participle is very regular and easy to form. For Group 2 verbs, you’ll notice that the stem used is the same as in other conjugations (e.g., nous finissons). Group 3 verbs, being irregular, may have more unexpected forms, but they still follow the general rule of using the “nous” form as a base.

The present participle in French is used less frequently than in English and often corresponds to the English “-ing” form when it’s used as a gerund or in adverbial phrases.

As adjectives

VerbPresent ParticipleAs AdjectiveExample Sentence
fascinerfascinantfascinatingC’est un livre fascinant. (It’s a fascinating book.)
fatiguerfatiguanttiringSon travail est très fatiguant. (His work is very tiring.)
intéresserintéressantinterestingElle a fait une présentation intéressante. (She gave an interesting presentation.)
surprendresurprenantsurprisingNous avons eu des résultats surprenants. (We had surprising results.)
charmercharmantcharmingIl habite dans une charmante petite maison. (He lives in a charming little house.)
rafraîchirrafraîchissantrefreshingJ’ai bu une boisson rafraîchissante. (I drank a refreshing beverage.)
vivrevivantlivingC’est une langue vivante qui évolue constamment. (It’s a living language that constantly evolves.)
courircourantcurrentLes affaires courantes sont gérées par le directeur. (Current affairs are managed by the director.)
brûlerbrûlantburningAttention, le plat est brûlant ! (Careful, the dish is burning hot!)

Usage of le participe présent

Unlike the past participle, which is primarily used to form compound tenses like le passé composé, the present participle has several distinct uses:

  1. Gerund (Le gérondif):

    • Formed by adding “en” before the present participle.
    • Expresses simultaneity or means.
    • Example: En mangeant, il regarde la télé. (While eating, he watches TV.)
  2. Adverbial Clause:

    • Replaces a subordinate clause, often to show cause or time.
    • Example: Ayant fini ses devoirs, elle est allée se coucher. (Having finished her homework, she went to bed.)
  3. Adjective:

    • Describes a noun, agreeing in number but not gender.
    • Example: C’est une histoire passionnante. (It’s an exciting story.)
  4. Noun:

    • Some present participles are used as nouns.
    • Example: un étudiant (a student), un commerçant (a shopkeeper)
  5. After certain prepositions:

    • Used after prepositions like “en” or “tout en”.
    • Example: Tout en sachant la vérité, il n’a rien dit. (While knowing the truth, he said nothing.)
  6. In certain fixed expressions:

    • Example: séance tenante (immediately), chemin faisant (on the way)
  7. To form the compound tense “passé récent”:

    • Used with “aller” in present tense + infinitive.
    • Example: Je viens de manger. (I have just eaten.)

While not as commonly used as in English, the present participle is still an important part of French grammar, offering concise ways to express simultaneous actions, causes, or descriptions. It’s less frequently used than in English, where “-ing” forms are very common.


malgréin spite of
la diffusion vidéo streaming
la baladodiffusion podcasting
un metteur en scènea film director, a stage director
la mise en scènedirection
apprécierto appreciate / P.P. apprécié
policierADJ. un roman policier a detective novel
le policier / la policièrepolice officer
le dessindrawing
un dessin animé (film) a cartoon
les salles obscures(the dark rooms, always plural) cinemas
un film doublé a dubbed film
un rendez-vousappointment, figuratively referring to an event attracting large numbers of people
(plural) des rendez-vous
cinéphilefilm buff
un bibliophile a book-lover
un aquaphobe someone who is scared of water
suivreto follow
attribuerto award
attribuer qch à qn to award sth to sb
tournerto turn, to shoot (cinema)
tourner un film to make a film
la récompensereward
récompenserto reward