glacial | freezing, icy, cold- il fait un froid glacial it’s freezing cold |
à nouveau | again, once again, anew, afresh |
orage | storm, thunderstorm |
tout à l’heure | in a while, a bit later |
pardessus | coat, overcoat- Par ce grand froid, en plus de son costume, il met un pardessus. In this extreme cold, in addition to his suit, he wears an overcoat.- Mets un pull par-dessus ta chemise, il fait un froid glacial. Put a sweater over your shirt, it’s freezing cold. |
| par-dessus | over [sth], above [sth], on top of [sth]- Le chien a réussi à sauter par-dessus la barrière et s’est enfui. The dog managed to jump over the barrier and ran away. |
de toute façon | anyway, anyhow |
oignon | onion |
Ce ne sont pas tes oignons | It’s none of your business- Ce ne sont pas (Ce n’est pas) mes oignons It’s none of my business |
Occupe-toi de tes oignons | Mind your own business |
grognon | (grincheux) grumpy |
au plus vite | as quickly as possible, as soon as possible |
paraître | appear, seem, look |
découvrir | discover, uncover, find out- Pour les Espagnols, Christophe Colomb a découvert l’Amérique en 1492. According to the Spanish, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.- Elle a découvert que son fils sortait avec la fille du voisin. She found out her son was dating the girl next door. |
découvert | overdraft, uncovered |
une piscine découverte | an open-air swimming pool |
un découvert | an overdraft |
être à découvert | to be overdrawn, to have an overdraft |
nu | naked |
torse | torso |
torse nu | loc. adj. bare-chested, shirtless, stripped to the waist- Il faisait tellement chaud que nous étions torse nu. It was so hot that we were shirtless. |
tomber des nues | be flabbergasted, be dumbfounded, be gobsmacked- Je suis tombé des nues quand j’ai appris la nouvelle. I was flabbergasted when I got the news. |
clientèle | clientele, customers, customer base |
conseiller clientèle | customer adviser |
mettre son nez dans | (+qch) peer at [sth], peer into [sth]- Tu mets ton nez partout. You stick your nose into everything. |
mêler | mix, blend, confuse- Arrête ! Tu me mêles. Stop! You’re confusing me. |
se mêler de | (prendre part à [qch]) meddle in [sth], interfere in [sth] |
se mêler de ses affaires | mind your own business |
filer | (transformer en fil) spin, fly, run, dash- Excuse-moi, il est midi, il faut que je file. Sorry, it’s lunchtime; I have to fly. |
Il faut que je file | I have to dash |
Pour l’amour du ciel ! | For God’s sake! |
massacrer | slaughter, massacre |
Molière | French author of sophisticated comedies, Molière was a French playwright and actor in the 17th century whose real name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. Molière’s plays were very popular and he became a star at the court of King Louis XIV. |
la langue de Molière | “the language of Molière” and is a common way to refer to the French language. The expression is a way to honor a famous author who has contributed to a language. |
de même | likewise, the same |
deux fois plus | twice as much- Cette année, il a plu deux fois plus que l’année dernière. This year it rained twice as much as last year. |
emprunter | borrowemprunter [qch] à [qqn] (=se faire prêter [qch]) borrow [sth] from [sb]- J’ai emprunté sa tondeuse au voisin, car la mienne était en panne. I borrowed the neighbour’s lawnmower, as mine wasn’t working. (I borrowed a lawnmower from my neighbour, because mine had broken down.) |
truc | trick, thing, stuff |
espèce | species, variety, type |
espèce de | (sorte de) +[qch] kind of [sth], type of [sth], sort of [sth], form of [sth]- La galette est une espèce de crêpe au blé noir. The “galette” is a sort of buckwheat pancake.péjoratif (emphase négative) you- Espèce d’imbécile ! You (damn) fool!- Espèce d’idiot ! You little idiot! |
galette | buckwheat pancake, waffle |
voyou | lout, gangster, bandit, thug(enfant turbulent) rascal, scallywag (a mischievous or cheeky person, especially a child or man (typically used in an affectionate way), a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way) |
curiosité | curiosity |
vilain | awful, dreadful, ugly, nasty, naughty child |
défaut | fault, flaw |
Et comment ! | Do I ever! / Yes please! |
quand même | all the same, still, anyway, even so- Je sais que je ne dois pas me mêler des affaires des autres, mais je suis quand même curieux. I know that I’m not supposed to meddle in other people’s business, but I’m still curious. |