Le passé composé
For second group verbs (-ir), which means their past participles are formed by removing the -ir
ending and adding -i
Verb | Past Participle | Meaning | Example in Passé Composé |
grandir | grandi | to grow up | J’ai grandi à Paris. (I grew up in Paris.) |
élargir | élargi | to widen, broaden | Ils ont élargi la route. (They widened the road.) |
réussir | réussi | to succeed | Elle a réussi son examen. (She passed her exam.) |
remplir | rempli | to fill | Nous avons rempli le formulaire. (We filled out the form.) |
fournir | fourni | to provide, supply | L’entreprise a fourni les matériaux. (The company provided the materials.) |
choisir | choisi | to choose | Tu as choisi le bon moment. (You chose the right moment.) |
réfléchir | réfléchi | to reflect, think | Ils ont réfléchi à la proposition. (They thought about the proposal.) |
la recherche
- research, singular with a definite article
- La recherche scientifique est très importante. Scientific research is very important.
- a search, an investigation, with an indefinite article, can be plural
- Nous allons continuer nos recherches. We are going to keep searching.
- un moteur de recherche a search engine
plus / moins
- plus grand que (bigger than)
- plus petit que (smaller than)
- moins intéressant (less interesting)
- plus bruyant (noisier)
- le plus spacieux (roomiest, most roomy)
- beaucoup plus joli (much prettier)
- plus élevé (higher)
mots | explications |
loyer | (prix de la location) rent |
ça fait | (+ [durée]) (=il y a) have been doing [sth] for + [duration] |
louer | v. rent |
arrondissement | a neighbourhood / arrondir, to round off |
jugement | a judgement / juger, to judge |
avertissement | a warning / avertir, to warn |
avertir | to warn |
grandir | to grow |
élargir | to widen |
réussir | to succeed |
immobilier | property, real estate |
agent immobilier | estate agent, real estate agent, realtor |
joindre | to put together, to contact |
formulaire | form |
fournir | supply, provide, give |
renseignement | information |
rappeler | call [sb] back |
lendemain | n.m. the next day |
propriété | n.f. property |
bonheur | n.m. happiness ▶︎ Après, trois mariages, elle a enfin trouvé le bonheur : être seule. After three marriages, she finally found happiness: being alone. |
moyen | ADJ. FEM moyenne, average, medium |
le moyen | way ▶︎ Je n’en ai pas les moyens. I can’t afford it. |
avoir les moyens | (avoir assez d’argent) have money, have the money |
ce n’est pas dans mes moyens | (c’est trop cher) I can’t afford it |
donner | give |
cour | n.f. courtyard |
intérieur | inside, interior, indoor |
premier étage | first floor |
intéressant | interesting, of interest, attractive |
bruyant | noisy |
spacieux | spacious, roomy |
dernier étage | (niveau le plus élevé d’une construction) top floor |
joli | pretty, lovely, nice |
énorme | enormous, gigantic, huge |
terrasse | balcony, terrace, outside seating area |
tout autour | all around |
rien | nothing |
au-dessus | upstairs, above ▶︎ J’habite au-dessus. I live upstairs. ▶︎ au-dessus de la table above the table |
prohibitif | (prix : exorbitant) (price) prohibitive, prohibitively high |
élevé | high |
salaire | n.m. wage, salary |
mensuel | monthly |
vivre | live |
au-dessous | downstairs, underneath ▶︎ dix degrés au-dessous de zéro ten degrees below zero |
en effet | indeed, that’s right, actually, in fact, you’re right, yes |
sérieusement | seriously, diligently, assiduously, painstakingly▶︎ Il prépare sérieusement ses examens. He is preparing diligently for his exams. |
garantir | to guarantee |
avoir de la chance | be lucky▶︎ Mon père a garanti mon loyer. J’ai vraiment de la chance ! |
prendre des vacances | (poser des jours de congé) take a vacation |