Direct object pronouns

  • Direct object pronouns are placed before the conjugated verb in French sentences.
  • When used with compound tenses, such as the passé composé, the pronoun is placed before the auxiliary verb (e.g., “Il m’a vu” - He saw me).
  • Pronouns agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace.
French PronounEnglish EquivalentExample Sentence in French
me (m')meIl me voit. (He sees me.)
te (t')youJe te comprends. (I understand you.)
le (l')him, itJe le vois. (I see him/it.)
la (l')her, itJe la connais. (I know her/it.)
noususIl nous entend. (He hears us.)
vousyouJe vous appelle. (I call you.)
lesthemJe les vois. (I see them.)

what / which: quel

In French, the words “what” and “which” are translated as “quel,” “quelle,” “quels,” and “quelles,” depending on the gender and number of the noun they modify. These are known as interrogative adjectives and are used to ask questions about specific items or people.

  • “Quel” and its variations must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.
  • They are used to ask questions about specific items or people.
  • These words are often followed by a noun or the verb “être” (to be) when asking about a specific choice or identification.
French WordEnglish EquivalentGender/NumberExample Sentence in French
quelwhat/whichMasculine SingularQuel livre lis-tu ? (Which book are you reading?)
quellewhat/whichFeminine SingularQuelle robe préfères-tu ? (Which dress do you prefer?)
quelswhat/whichMasculine PluralQuels films aimes-tu ? (Which movies do you like?)
quelleswhat/whichFeminine PluralQuelles chansons écoutes-tu ? (Which songs do you listen to?)

Demonstrative pronouns: celui

Demonstrative pronouns in French are used to refer to a specific noun without repeating it. They correspond to “this one,” “that one,” “these ones,” and “those ones” in English. The pronouns must agree in gender and number with the noun they replace.

  • Demonstrative pronouns must agree in gender and number with the noun they replace.
  • They are often used with relative clauses (e.g., “celui qui,” “celle que”) to provide more information about the noun.
  • These pronouns are useful for distinguishing between different items or people in a conversation.
French PronounEnglish EquivalentGender/NumberExample Sentence in French
celuithis one/that oneMasculine SingularCelui que tu vois est mon frère. (The one you see is my brother.)
cellethis one/that oneFeminine SingularCelle que tu aimes est jolie. (The one you love is pretty.)
ceuxthese ones/those onesMasculine PluralCeux qui sont là sont mes amis. (Those who are there are my friends.)
cellesthese ones/those onesFeminine PluralCelles que tu vois sont mes sœurs. (The ones you see are my sisters.)

avoir ➡ (to be)

In French, the verb “avoir” (to have) is used in many idiomatic expressions where English would use “to be.” These expressions often describe states of being or feelings.

  • “Avoir” is used in many idiomatic expressions that convey states of being or emotions.
  • These expressions often do not translate literally into English.
  • Understanding these expressions is essential for fluency in French, as they are commonly used in everyday conversation.
French ExpressionEnglish EquivalentExample Sentence in French
avoir faimto be hungryJ’ai faim. (I am hungry.)
avoir soifto be thirstyElle a soif. (She is thirsty.)
avoir chaudto be hotNous avons chaud. (We are hot.)
avoir froidto be coldIls ont froid. (They are cold.)
avoir peur (de)to be afraid (of)Tu as peur des araignées. (You are afraid of spiders.)
avoir besoin deto needJ’ai besoin de dormir. (I need to sleep.)
avoir envie deto feel likeIl a envie de manger. (He feels like eating.)
avoir l’airto seem/lookElle a l’air fatiguée. (She looks tired.)
avoir raisonto be rightVous avez raison. (You are right.)
avoir tortto be wrongJ’ai tort. (I am wrong.)
avoir hâte deto look forward toJ’ai hâte de te voir. (I look forward to seeing you.)
avoir mal àto have pain inJ’ai mal à la tête. (I have a headache.)


oublierto forget, to leave
- oublier de faire qch to forget to do sth
- oublier l’heure to forget the time
- J’ai oublié mon sac chez Sabine. I left my bag at Sabine’s.
remplirto fill up, to fill in
- Elle a rempli son verre de vin. She filled up her glass with wine.
- Tu as rempli ton formulaire ? Have you filled in your form?
la grillewire fence, metal gate, grid
le ventrestomach
- avoir mal au ventre to have stomachache
tout à faitabsolutely