Chaque chose en son temps

Chaque chose en son temps Chaque chose en son temps: Everything in its own time. It is an expression that emphasizes the importance of patience and timing in dealing with different tasks or situations. Ça fait longtemps Ça fait longtemps que je ne vous ai pas vus ! I haven’t seen you for a long time! On its own Ça fait longtemps means It’s been a long time. It can also be used in a sentence, usually with the present or the perfect:...

janvier 11, 2024 · aaron

Conjugation w/ avoir and être

Conjugated w/ avoir and être Some verbs can be conjugated with both avoir and être. Avoir is used when there’s a direct object (COD: un complément d’objet direct), which is a noun that completes the meaning of the verb without using a preposition, 1 in which case the verb is transitive, otherwise, être is used. rentrer As-tu rentré ta voiture au garage ? Did you bring your car into the garage?...

janvier 4, 2024 · aaron

Prendre la parole

mots explications le lycée secondary school, high school (with pupils from 15 to 18 years old) parole speech, word - l’usage de la parole the power of speech - les paroles lyrics - prendre la parole to speak / Mesdames et messieurs les députés, j’invite Mademoiselle Noura Bouris à prendre la parole. - temps de parole speaking time avis opinion - à mon avis in my opinion - J’aimerais avoir ton avis....

décembre 31, 2023 · aaron

Le conditionnel

Le conditionnel The French conditional conjugation is used to express hypothetical situations, polite requests, and to indicate actions that are dependent on certain conditions. It corresponds to the English “would” or “could” form. The conditional mood is formed by adding specific endings to the verb stem, which is usually the infinitive form of the verb. 1 Here is the conditional conjugation of regular verbs: person -er -ir -re je parlerais (I would speak) choisirais (I would choose) vendrais (I would sell) tu parlerais choisirais vendrais il/elle/on parlerait choisirait vendrait nous parlerions choisirions vendrions vous parleriez choisiriez vendriez ils/elles parleraient choisiraient vendraient It’s important to note that irregular verbs have their own conjugation patterns in the conditional tense....

décembre 29, 2023 · aaron

Voudrais ou Veux

“Voudrais” and “veux” are both forms of the verb “vouloir,” which means “to want” in French. However, they are used in different contexts. “Voudrais” is the conditional form of the verb “vouloir.” It is used to express a polite request or desire. For example: Je voudrais un café, s’il vous plaît. (I would like a coffee, please.) Je voudrais réserver une table pour deux personnes. (I would like to book a table for two people....

décembre 27, 2023 · aaron