86 Il me la faut

Que vs. Qui In French, “que” and “qui” are both relative pronouns used to connect clauses, but they have distinct grammatical roles. 1. “Qui” as a Relative Pronoun 🔹 “Qui” replaces the subject of a subordinate clause. Since it functions as a subject, it is always followed by a verb. ✅ Examples: La femme qui parle est ma tante. → The woman who is speaking is my aunt. J’ai un chien qui adore jouer....

février 15, 2025 · aaron

85 Occupe-toi de tes oignons

Vocabulaire mots explications glacial freezing, icy, cold - il fait un froid glacial it’s freezing cold à nouveau again, once again, anew, afresh orage storm, thunderstorm tout à l’heure in a while, a bit later pardessus coat, overcoat - Par ce grand froid, en plus de son costume, il met un pardessus. In this extreme cold, in addition to his suit, he wears an overcoat. - Mets un pull par-dessus ta chemise, il fait un froid glacial....

février 14, 2025 · aaron

84 Parle-t-il le français ?

Negative Constructions In French, negation is used to transform affirmative sentences into negative ones. Unlike English, which often uses a single word like “not,” French negation generally requires two parts. 1. Basic Negation: “Ne…pas” The most common negation in French is ne…pas, which surrounds the conjugated verb. Affirmative Negative English Translation Je parle français. Je ne parle pas français. I do not speak French. Il aime le chocolat. Il n’aime pas le chocolat....

février 13, 2025 · aaron

83 Arrête de faire l'andouille

Vocabulaire mots explications réveil n.m. alarm clock, (fin du sommeil) waking, waking up bon réveil (bienvenue, bonjour) good morning and welcome fidélité n.f. loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity antenne aerial, antenna, satellite auditeur listener, audience auditrice listener, audience tous les jours every day, daily en direct live dès as soon as, from, starting at matin morning le matin in the morning au petit matin early morning, at daybreak coéquipier teammate, partner coéquipiere teammate, partner standard standard, switchboard sachiez que je/j’ sache / que tu saches / qu’il, elle, on sache / que nous sachions / que vous sachiez / qu’ils, elles sachent cagnotte nest egg (a sum of money saved for the future), jackpot (a large cash prize in a game or lottery, especially one that accumulates until it is won) - La cagnotte de notre famille n’est pas très élevée....

février 11, 2025 · aaron

82 Personne ne me passionne

Que…ou and Subjunctive Mood In French, “que” can be used at the beginning of an adverbial clause to introduce an alternative—similar to how we use “whether…or” in English. This structure often requires the subjunctive mood. 🧐 Structure: The formula generally looks like this: Que + subjunctive verb, ou + subjunctive verb This conveys that regardless of the alternative, the main clause remains true. ✅ This construction is often used to express uncertainty, doubt, or hypothetical situations, hence the subjunctive....

février 8, 2025 · aaron